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A Review on the Antimicrobial Effect of Honey on Salmonella and Listeria monocytogenes: Recent Studies


Article | 2023 | MANAS Journal of Agriculture, Veterinary and Life Science (MJAVL)13 ( 2 )

Foodborne pathogens like Salmonella and Listeria monocytogenes are microbial agents capable of causing severe illnesses, and they pose a perpetual menace to the food industry. Given their potential to jeopardize human health, both food producers and consumers hold significant concerns regarding these pathogens. The quest for novel strategies and natural preservatives in the domain of food safety holds paramount importance in the effort to curtail the dissemination and contamination of these pathogens. In this context, honey stands out as a notable natural product with substantial potential. Honey, through its bioactive constituents, . . . including phenolic compounds, specialized enzymes, and particularly the production of hydrogen peroxide, can serve as an efficacious tool in combatting microorganisms. This review undertakes an exploration of the antimicrobial impacts of honey on Salmonella and Listeria monocytogenes by conducting a comprehensive assessment of existing literature and consolidating available data. The existing data strongly indicates the potential of honey's antimicrobial components to hinder the proliferation and dissemination of these pathogens. This review's principal aim is to outline a path for future research and applications, acknowledging the essential need for additional data and thorough investigations before efficiently deploying honey as a countermeasure against these pathogens. Keyword: honey; salmonella; listeria monocytogenes; antimicrobial effect; food pathogen More less

Keneler ve kenelerle taşınan hastalıklar

Kürşat ALTAY

Article | 2016 | MANAS Journal of Agriculture, Veterinary and Life Science (MJAVL)6 ( 2 )

Bu derlemede kenelerin sistemdeki yeri, genel morfolojik ve biyolojik özellikleri, beslenme, kene-konak-patojen ilişkileri, vektörlük (Mekanik ve Biyolojik nakil), arthropodların patojenlerle enfeksiyonu, hastalık etkenlerinin vektörlerden omurgalı konaklara nakli ve kenelerle taşınan önemli hastalıklar üzerinde durulmuştur.- Keywords:kene, kenelerle nakledilen hastalıklar,

Үйүрлүү жылкылардын бакубаттуулугун баалоо протоколунун концепциясы = The Concept of Welfare Assessment Protocol for Horses in Herd


Article | 2021 | MANAS Journal of Agriculture, Veterinary and Life Science (MJAVL)11 ( 2 )

Кыргыз Республикасында жылкылардын бакубаттуулугун баалоо протоколунун концепциясын иштеп чыгууда, жылкыларды үйүрдө багуунун климаттык жана технологиялык өзгөчө шарттарын эске алуу зарыл. Макаланын максаты – тоолуу жайыттардын шарттарында асыралган үйүрлүү жылкылардын бакубаттуулугун баалоо протоколунун концепциясын аныктоо болуп саналат. Изилдөөлөрдүн темасына ылайык илимий булактарды иликтөөлөр илимий китепканаларда жана интернет булактарында жүргүзүлдү. Жайыттардын шартында асыралган жылкылардын бакубаттуулук деңгээлин баалоо критерийлери же өлчөнүүчү көрсөткүчтөрү байкоонун түз жана кыйыр ыкмалары колдонулуп такталды. Алынган м . . .аалыматтар салыштырма ыкмасы колдонулуп анализденди. Изилдөөлөрдүн жыйынтыгында бакубаттуулуктун «беш эркиндик» принциптерине негизделген төмөндөгүдөй концепциясы аныкталды: 1) Кыргыз Республикасында үйүрлүү жылкылардын бакубаттуулук деңгээлин баалоодо AWIN (2015) протоколу негиз катары кабыл алынышы максатка ылайыктуу; 2) Жылкылар үйүрдүн курамында асыралгандыктан, бардык бээлер жана айгыр иликтөөгө алынышы зарыл; 3) Баалоо прициптери болуп төмөндөгүлөр кабыл алынды: I. Жакшы жайыт; II. Жакшы ден-соолук; III. Талаптагыдай жүрүш-туруш; 4) Жылкылардын бакубаттуулук деңгээлине баа берүүдө, 7 критерийдин алкагындагы ар бири 5 баллдык система менен баалануучу 20 көрсөткүчтүн колдонулушунун талапка ылайыктыгы ортого чыкты. Үйүрлүү жылкылардын бакубаттуулук баалоо протоколу негизинен жылкынын физиологиялык абалын жана жүрүш-турушун чагылдырган көрсөткүчтөрдөн туруп (85%), жайыттын абалын, жылкыларды багуу жана тоюттандыруу шарттарын камтыган көрсөткүчтөр менен толукталып турат (15%). The scientific community has developed several concepts to characterize and appreciate animal welfare. Behavioural approaches state that animals should live accordingly to their nature and should be able to perform all necessary behaviours without aversion. Physiological approaches based on the concepts of homeostasis and allostasis have been developed. In developing the concept of the welfare assessment protocol for horses in the Kyrgyz Republic, it is necessary to take into account the special climatic and technological conditions for keeping horses in herds. The purpose of this article is to define the concept of the protocol for assessing the welfare of herd horses bred in mountain pastures. Scientific review of sources in accordance with the research topic was conducted in scientific libraries and Internet sources. Criteria or indicators for assessing the level of well-being of horses bred in pasture conditions were clarified using direct and indirect methods of observation. The obtained data were analyzed using the comparative method. The study identified the following concept of well-being based on the principles of the "five freedoms": 1) It is expedient to adopt the AWIN (2015) protocol as a basis for assessing the level of welfare of horse-herd in the Kyrgyz Republic; 2) Since horses are bred in a herd, all mares and stallions should be examined; 3) The principles of evaluation are as follows: I. Good pasture; II. Good health; III. Proper behavior; 4) In assessing the level of well-being of horses, it was found appropriate to use 20 indicators, each of which is assessed on a 5-point scale within the framework of 7 criteria. The protocol for the assessment of the well-being of horse-herd consists mainly of indicators reflecting the physiological condition and behavior of the horse (85%), supplemented by indicators covering the condition of pastures, conditions of breeding and feeding horses (15%) More less

Unilateral Uterine Torsion in a Shorthair Scottish Queen

Ali RIŞVANLI | Abuzer TAŞ | Ayperi Aytmırza Kızı | Nur ABDIMANAP UULU

Article | 2022 | MANAS Journal of Agriculture, Veterinary and Life Science (MJAVL)12 ( 2 )

In this case report, it is aimed to present unilateral uterine torsion in a 7-year-old Shorthair Scottish queen. The queen, which had full-term pregnancy, was brought to the Kyrgyz-Turkish Manas University Veterinary Faculty Teaching hospital with complaints of stagnation, vomiting and hypothermia. In the ultrasonography examination, 3 kittens without a heartbeat were detected. After the abdominal incision made in the queen for whom emergency cesarean section was decided, a 1080o counterclockwise torsion was noticed on the caudal side of the cervix uterine in the left uterine horn of the queen. It was observed that the left uterine . . .horn was cyanotic due to torsion-related ischemia. For this reason, it was decided to perform N-block ovariohysterectomy instead of cesarean section. As a result, it was concluded that the presented case report of unilateral uterine torsion, which is rare in cats, will make useful contributions to veterinarians and students in the field More less

Herd Management and Manager in Turkey Livestock

Abuzer TAŞ | Metin BAYRAKTAR

Article | 2019 | MANAS Journal of Agriculture, Veterinary and Life Science (MJAVL)9 ( 2 )

The objectives set to bring animal husbandry to an advanced level and to a certain standard are important in Turkey. Agriculture is mostly done in the conventional manner in Turkey and producers and farmers do not need to improve themselves. In contrast to population growth across the country, there is a significant decrease in agricultural production. The reason for this, it can be said that the reasons such as the lack of security of the working people in the sector, the fact that they do not receive a wage that can sustain their lives, the lack of infrastructure to carry out training programs for constantly changing and developin . . .g. We can define herd management as providing the animals with optimum care and welfare conditions, achieving the desired target for fertility, reproduction, and nutrition and preventing animal diseases and management-related losses in livestock enterprises. The main objective of herd management and a manager is to increase animal production to breeders and to provide economic returns that can provide sustainability and competitiveness in enterprises. In addition, it is to minimize or completely eliminate the material losses that may occur by means of more cost-effective and efficiently organized programs. In order to solve all these problems, herd management should be considered as an educated and organized profession. As a result of the training of certified herd management, breeders who are employed without registration and social security must be provided with registered status, increase the number of registered employees and achieve professional status by providing organization. It is important that certificate is a prerequisite for the grower to benefit from government support, incentives, grants, subsidies, and other national and international projects More less

Buzağılarda Pasif Transfer Yetmezliğinin Belirlenmesinde Kullanılan Yöntemler


Article | 2019 | MANAS Journal of Agriculture, Veterinary and Life Science (MJAVL)9 ( 2 )

Buzağılara IgG’nin transferi olarak adlandırılan pasif immune transfer ancak maternal kolostrum alınmasıyla gerçekleşir. Yetersiz kolostral IgG’nin alımı ya da absorbsiyonu pasif transfer yetmezliğine neden olmaktadır. Buzağılarda pasif transfer yetmezliğin belirlenmesi için çeşitli analiz metodları bulunmaktadır. Bu derlemede buzağılarda pasif transfer yetmezliğin tespitinde kullanılan yöntemler ve bu yöntemlerin avantaj ve dezavantajları anlatılmıştır.

Elazığ İlindeki Küçük Ölçekli Süt Sığırı İşletmelerinde Subklinik Mastitis Prevalansı, Süt Bileşenine Etki Eden Faktörler ve Bunlar Arasındaki İnteraksiyonların Araştırılması = Investigation of Subclinical Mastitis Prevalence, Factors Affecting Milk Component and Interactions Between These in Small-Scale Dairy Cattle Farms in Elazig Province


Article | 2022 | MANAS Journal of Agriculture, Veterinary and Life Science (MJAVL)12 ( 1 )

Bu çalışmanın amacı küçük ölçekli işletmelerde yetiştirilen farklı ırk ineklerde mastitis prevalansı, bu işletmelerden elde edilen süt örneklerinde bakteri üreme oranları ve süt bileşenine etki eden faktörlerin araştırılmasıdır. Bu çalışmada farklı ırklardan (Simental, Montofon ve Holstein) yaşları 2-8 arasında değişen, primipar ve multipar olan 211 inek kullanıldı. California Mastitis Test (CMT) sonucuna göre, 150 inek pozitif reaksiyon verirken (%71,09), 61 inek ise CMT negatif (-) reaksiyon verdi (%28,91). Çalışmada kullanılan 211 ineğe ait 844 meme lobundan 16 meme lobu kör olduğu için çalışma dışında tutuldu. Çalışmaya dahil ed . . .ilen 828 meme lobundan 438 meme lobu (%52,90) CMT (-) ve 390 (%47,10) meme lobu CMT pozitif bulundu. CMT pozitif meme loblarında bakteri üreme oranı %92,11 olarak bulundu. En fazla Staphylococcus aureus (S. aureus) tespit edildi (%30,99). Yağ oranı en düşük CMT (-) (%4,48 ± 0,12)’de görüldü. Protein (%3,51 ± 0,02), laktoz (%5,28 ± 0,04), yağsız kuru madde (YKM) (%9,68 ± 0,07) ve mineral madde (%0,75 ± 0,01) oranları en düşük CMT (+++) grubunda görüldü. Dansite (1.033,22 ± 0,19 kg/m3) en yüksek CMT (-) grubunda bulunurken, elektrik iletkenliği de (4,69 ± 0,01 mS/cm) en yüksek CMT (+++) grubunda tespit edildi. En düşük yağ oranına (%3,86 ± 0,27) 3. laktasyonda rastlandı. Laktoz (%5,52 ± 0,04), YKM (%10,08 ± 0,07) ve protein (%3,66 ± 0,03) oranları 3. laktasyondaki ineklerde yüksek bulundu. Dahası, 3. laktasyondaki ineklerin süt elektrik iletkenliği (4,40 ± 0,03 mS/cm) en düşük değere sahipken, dansitesi (1.034,02 ± 0,44 kg/m3) yüksek bulundu. Kademeli meme formlarından (573,84 ± 63,11 hücre⁄ml) elde edilen sütlerde somatik hücre sayısı (SHS) yüksek bulunurken, laktoz oranı dışında süt kompozisyonu bakımından istatistiksel fark olmadığı anlaşıldı. Silindirik meme başı (383,02 ± 43,70 hücre⁄ml) ve düz meme ucu şekli (370,79 ± 43,61 hücre⁄ml) bulunan meme loblarından elde edilen sütlerde SHS düşük bulundu. Koltuk meme formunda (%15,2) bakteri üreme oranı düşük görülürken, sarkık (%27,6) ve kademeli (%29,9) meme formuna sahip ineklerde bakteri üreme oranları yüksek bulundu. Sonuç olarak, subklinik mastitisin yaygın olduğu ve bu hastalığa en çok S. aureus’un neden olduğu görüldü. Mastitisin azaltılması için koruyucu önlemlerin uygulanması özellikle de S. aureus’a karşı koruyucu önlemlerin alınması gerekmektedir. Koltuk meme formu ve silindirik meme başına sahip ineklerin yetiştiricilikte kullanılması, mastitisin azalmasına katkı sağlayacağı kanaatine varıldı. The aim of this study is to investigate the prevalence of mastitis in different breed cows raised in small-scale farms, bacterial growth rates in milk samples obtained from these farms, and the factors affecting the milk component. 211 cows were used in this study. According to the results of the California Mastitis Test (CMT), 150 cows have positive reaction, while 61 cows have a negative (-) reaction. Of the 828 quarters included in the study, 438 (52.90%) quarters were found to be CMT (-) and 390 (47.10%) quarters were found to be CMT positive. Of 390 positive quarters, 181 (46.41%) were determined as CMT (+), 96 (24.62%) as CMT (++), and 113 (28.97%) as CMT (+++). The lowest fat ratio was seen in CMT (-) (4.48% ± 0.12%). Protein (3.51 ± 0.02%), lactose (5.28 ± 0.04%), solid-non-fad (SNF) (9.68 ± 0.07), and mineral matter (0.75% ± 0.01%) rates were the lowest in the CMT (+++) group. Density (1,033.22 ± 0.19 kg/m3) was found in the highest CMT (-) group, while electrical conductivity (4.69 ± 0.01 mS/cm) was highest in the CMT (+++) group. The lowest fat rate is observed in the third lactation (3.86% ± 0.27). The rates of lactose (5.52 ± 0.04), SNF (10.08 ± 0.07), and protein (3.66% ± 0.03) were found to be high in cows of this lactation number. Moreover, the milk electrical conductivity of the cows with this lactation number (4.40 ± 0.03 mS/cm) had the lowest value, while the density was found to be high (1.034.02 ± 0.44 kg/m3). While the somatic cell count (SCC) was found to be high in milk obtained from rear-heavy udder form (573.84 ± 63.11 cells⁄ml), it was found that there was no statistical difference in terms of milk composition except protein ratio. SCC was found to be low in milk obtained from quarters with cylindrical teat (383.02 ± 43.70 cell⁄ml) and flat teat end shape (370.79 ± 43.61 cell⁄ml). Bacterial growth was low in trough-shaped udder form, while bacterial growth rates were found to be high in cows with pendulous and rear-heavy udders. As a result, it was seen that the prevalence of subclinical mastitis is high in Elazig province, therefore milk SCC is high and milk composition may be affected More less

Comparison of Intraoperative Effects of Intratesticular Lidocaine and Procaine on Hemodynamic Responses in Male Cats Undergoing Routine Castration


Article | 2022 | MANAS Journal of Agriculture, Veterinary and Life Science (MJAVL)12 ( 2 )

This study was aimed to compare the effects of intratesticularly administered lidocaine and procaine on perioperative nocifensive responses in cats undergoing elective castration. Sixteen male cats (weighing between 2.3 and 6.7 kg, and 8 mounths to 3 years of age) were received for planned castration and suitable for inclusion. Cats were incidentally divided to 2: the lidocaine (group 1) and the procaine (group 2) groups. In group 1, lidocaine (1 mg/kg) was slowly injected to the right testis of the cats with a hypodermic syringe. In group 2, 1 mg/kg procaine was slowly injected to the right testis with the same technique. Besides t . . .o objective follow-up clinical monitoring, heart rate, electrocardiogram, respiration frequency, pulse oximetry, rectal temperature and blood pressure were traced during surgery with a bedside monitor. Respiration frequency values were significantly higher than before surgey at the first prescrotal incision and the clamping of the left testicular pediclein group 1 (p < 0.05). BP diastolic values significantly increased from before surgeryat the clamping of right testicular pedicle in the procaine group (p < 0.05). These findings suggested that intratesticular procaine is a beneficial analgesic technique in cats undergo planned castration and should be considered as an adjunct to standard anesthetic practice with lidocaine More less

Assessment of the Simplified Equations Used For the Determination of µ1 and Biot Number in Unidirectional Drying Calculations in Solids


Article | 2016 | MANAS Journal of Agriculture, Veterinary and Life Science (MJAVL)6 ( 1 )

The accuracy of the two simplified methods : Dincer and Dost (1996) and Dincer and Hussain (2004), used for the determination of the first root of the characteristic equation and the Biot numbers from experimental lag factor data in unidirectional drying of solids has been investigated. The tabulated values relating the lag factor to the first root of the characteristic equation and Biot number were taken as basis in the assessment. None of the methods considered yielded accurate predictions for the complete lag factor range. The calculation of μ1 and Biot number from the tabulated values of lag factors has been recommended.- Keywor . . .ds: Biot, mass coefficient, drying, foo More less

Üniversite Öğrencilerinin Gıda Güvenliği Bilinç Düzeyinin Belirlenmesi; Bişkek Örneği


Article | 2019 | MANAS Journal of Agriculture, Veterinary and Life Science (MJAVL)9 ( 2 )

Gıda güvenliği, artık günümüz dünyasında uluslararası bir mesele olarak algılanmakta ve ülkeler gıda güvenliğinin sağlanması için gerekli önlemleri almak amacıyla yoğun gayret göstermektedirler. Gıda güvenliğinin sağlanmasında ise bireylerin gıda güvenliği bilinç düzeyi önemli bir rol oynamaktadır. Bu çalışmada Bişkek ilinde öğrenim gören üniversite öğrencilerinin gıda güvenliği konusunda bilinçli düzeylerinin araştırılması amaçlanmıştır. Çalışma için 12 üniversiteden 83 Kız 80 Erkek öğrenci ile yüz yüze anket yapılmıştır. Araştırmada, katılımcıların önemli bir kesiminin gıda güvenliği kavramını duydukları (% 75) ancak gıda güvenlik . . . sistemlerini duyanların oranının azlığı dikkat çekmiştir. Ankete katılanların gıda maddesi satın alırken en çok fiyat, raf ömrü, son kullanma tarihi ve ürünün gramajına dikkat ettikleri görülmüştür More less

Determination of Potassium Levels in Dairy Cows in the Periparturient Period

İsmail ŞEN

Article | 2022 | MANAS Journal of Agriculture, Veterinary and Life Science (MJAVL)12 ( 1 )

Detection and prevention of hypokalemia which causes economic losses and metabolic diseases in dairy cows had great importance. For this reason, the first objective of this study is to determine the level of blood potassium in dairy cows during the periparturient period and the second objective is to the determination of the relationship between metabolic diseases and blood potassium levels. A total of 60 cows were used in the study. Forty cows of them (Group I; 20 and group II;20) were pregnant and multiparous, and 20 of them with metabolic diseases (ketosis, displacement of abomasum). Blood samples of healthy cattle were taken fro . . .m v.jugularis twice, 10 ml each time. The first blood sample was taken two weeks before calving, and the second blood sample was taken within two weeks after calving. Blood samples of 20 cattle with metabolic diseases were taken from v.jugularis once, 10 ml. Serum samples were analyzed for Na, K, Cl, Creatinine, AST, LDH, Mg, P, and CPK parameters. The mean potassium level of group I and II healthy cattle after calving was 2,35 ± 0,17 mmol/l and 2,71 ± 0,12 mmol/l, respectively. However, the mean potassium level of cattle with metabolic diseases was also 2,53 ± 0,06 mmol/l. In conclusion, development of negative K balance in dairy cows after birth were detected. Additionally, cattle with displaced abomasum and ketosis were also found hypokalemic More less

Information on traditional veterinary knowledge of Kyrgyz people


Article | 2016 | MANAS Journal of Agriculture, Veterinary and Life Science (MJAVL)6 ( 2 )

Kyrgyz people have centuries-old history of breeding livestock. In their daily life widely were used for treatment animal products, herbs, minerals. Kyrgyz-breeders in their economic activities are permanently were faced with medication of sick animals and to protect them from dangerous infectious diseases. Kyrgyz traditional veterinary medicine has been well developed, since the roots of traditional veterinary Kyrgyz goes into the depth of centuries. "Veterinary education" was carried by oral transmission of life experience and knowledge from one generation to another, as well as a powerful "teacher" of all time, is national folklo . . .re. Keywords: Ethno veterinary of Kyrgyz’s, vernacular names of animal diseases, traditional treatment of animal diseases, herbs in ethnic Kyrgyz veterinary medicine More less

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